BenaBlog app for iPhone and iPad

4.4 ( 5084 ratings )
Current version: 1.0.1, last update: 8 years ago
First release : 10 Sep 2012
App size: 8.79 Mb

Hello, Benakribo here!
Now you can read easily from your iOS devices!
Its in real time and up to date blog posts!

Ps: There will be bonuses and secrets for you that cant be seen anywhere!

Some of the features of the application include:

- Easy to read, native iOS layout for comfortable consumption of the content.
- The ability to share blog posts on Twitter and Facebook, you can also email the in full content to your friends.
- All links open "in-app browser", specially built for Benablog app, so you dont have to worry about closing the application to open up safari. You can easily return back to the main page by tapping on the back button.
- Read comments of users for each blog post.


Halo, Benakribo di sini!
Sekarang kamu bisa baca langsung dari gadget iOS kamu!
Postingan-postingannya up to date dan bisa langsung kamu baca langsung saat postingan udah dipublish.

Ps: Bakalan ada banyak bonus-bonus dan rahasia yang nggak bisa diliat dimanapun selain di sini!

Beberapa fitur yang ada di dalem aplikasi ini:

- Gampang dibaca, layout iOS-nya udah enak buat ngebaca konten blognya.
- Bisa langsung ngeshare postingan blognya ke Twitter dan Facebook kamu, juga bisa email tulisannya ke temen kamu via email.
- Semua link yang ada bakalan kebuka dari "in-app browser", yang sepesial dibikin buat Benablog app, jadi kamu nggak harus repot-repot buka browser lain. Kamu juga bisa balik lagi ke halaman utama dengan nge-tap tombol backnya aja.
- Bisa baca komeng dari setiap postingan blog!


Super duper thanks to all of my blog readers, twitter friends, facebook, google+, instagram, youtube, etc. Without all of your supports, my blog wouldnt be like this! :)

Terima kasih banget buat semua pembaca setia, temen-temen di twitter @benakribo, facebook, google+, instagram, youtube, dll. Tanpa kalian semua, blog gue nggak mungkin bisa berkembang sampe kayak gini! :)


Follow me to get the latest information about new updates, quizzes, events, and more!

twitter: @benakribo
Instagram: Benakribo
google+: Benazio Rizki

Salam #Kribonisasi.